• Talk Phobia

    Lalophobia can always be overcome...

Talk Phobia

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Trusted, Effective Treatment for Talk Phobia.

Feelings of dread? Overwhelming thoughts? Rapid heartbeat? Tunnel Vision? Or worse? Since 2002 we have worked with countless folks from all walks of life and we know for sure: there’s no question you can overcome talk phobia.

Here is what we offer:

  • Talk phobia better or gone in as little as a day
  • Utter discretion
  • Clients in over 70 countries around the world

The Next Step

We have two proven programs for Talk Phobia First, there is the do-it-yourself Home Study program. Or second, you can work with a board-certified specialist in our one-on-one program:

Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety

Order as Boxed CD’s & Workbook or Download the Program Now

• Start Immediately by Downloading Now

• Privately Work at Your Own Speed

Learn More >

One-on-One ‘VIP’ Program

Custom Program Developed for you by Your Expert Practitioner

• Confidential Sessions with Board-Certified Specialist

• Fast, Personalized & Proven System to Get Rid of the Root of the Fear

Learn More >

or Compare the Two Programs

Getting rid of Talk Phobia: How It Works

Bottom line? Your subconscious mind needs to be re-trained. You know that Talk Phobia isn’t working for you. But it affects you because your unconscious mind has associated speaking with fear and perhaps a bunch of other negative emotions and they get triggered automatically – like clockwork – every time.

You have not been able to prevent your feelings of fear because you have not been given the methodology to change your feelings and associations. We’ll help you learn this simple system to make the fear history. Are you ready to learn and utilize these techniques?

What You Need to Know About Treatments and Cures

We’re going to leave the terms ‘treating’ and ‘curing’ to the medical profession. As much as we’d like to wave a magic wand and ‘cure’ you, it’s actually up to you to change how you feel. We are here purely to teach, and to hold your hand as you walk through the procedure that enables you to make it happen.

The methods in our program will teach clear-cut steps toward gaining self-belief, peace and joy, as well as proven procedures to conquer your negative emotions. No one should have to go through the continuous suffering you are experiencing. It is time for you to stop that cycle of negative thoughts.

Vanquish Talk Phobia Today.

Risk Factors & Causes for Lalophobia

The root cause of Talk Phobia is often (but not always) traumatic incident in the past. Your fear may also seem to come out of no where – with no memory you can think of. You resolve this issue by discovering the source and trading the negative correlations with positive ones. Those most at risk are:

• People with a general tendency towards fear and anxiety

• Ones who are characterized as ‘high-strung’
• People suffering from adrenal insufficiency

Do you feel as if even one of these represents you? See what others like you are saying about working with us.

Or, see what the media has to say.

Tests, Symptoms & Diagnosis

Uncover the seriousness of the issue for you by using our 2 minute Test Online for Talk Phobia …however it’s pretty obvious: If this phobia is having a significant negative impact on your life, its time to do something about it.

  • By simply thinking about Speaking, do you become woozy?
  • Do your palms get clammy and your mouth feel like cotton?
  • Does your heart feel like it’s going to pound right out of your chest?
  • Do your legs feel as if they will give way?

Those are just a few of the symptoms. Read more on the symptoms of talk phobia.

Not only do we deal with the symptoms, we locate the foundation. It’s what we’re all about

Prescription Drugs & Medications


To use <pills and medication for Talk Phobia> isn’t supported in our program because we believe they act as ‘camouflage’, That said, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations and always and seek proper medical advice if you want to change any medication. Meds may seem to help in the short-term by temporarily improving your symptoms, but the problem is that they can never cure the core issue of the fearful patterns of thinking that are the automatic reaction to speaking and which trigger the intense feelings of fear.

There is no drug specifically for Talk Phobia – and with all the undetermined possible side effects, it is difficult to rationalize taking a prescription as the answer.

The good news is with our help, you will conquer your Talk Phobia, without drugs..

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