A Permanent Solution to Fear Of Flute.
Feelings of dread? Overwhelming thoughts? Rapid heartbeat? Tunnel Vision? Or worse? Since 2002 we have worked with countless folks from all walks of life and we have yet to come across someone with a case of fear of flute that couldn’t be overcome.
Here is what we offer:
- A noticeable improvement, often a major one, in less than 24 hours
- Complete confidentiality and privacy
- Clients in over 70 countries around the world
The Next Step
We’ve developed two programs based on how much help you need. Our programs are designed to help you do it yourself with the Home Study program or get board-certified help with our one-on-one program:
Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety
CD’s & Workbook – or – Immediate Download Available
• Start Instantly with Online ‘Quick-Start’
• Work Privately on Your Own TimeOne-on-One ‘VIP’ Program
Individual Program Created Specifically for You by Your Practitioner
• Board-Certified Practitioner
• Advanced Techniques to Eliminate Underlying Fear
How the Program Works: Getting Over Fear of Flute
You’ve got to ‘re-wire’ your unconscious mind – and with our help its easier than you may think. You know that Fear Of Flute isn’t working for you. The reason the fear continues is because the subconscious has connected it to a wave of dominant negative feelings which occur automatically when you even think of flutes.
You have not been able to prevent your feelings of fear because you have not been given the methodology to change your feelings and associations. We’ll help you learn this simple system to make the fear history. Are you ready to get started?
- Contact us now to speak with a specialist. Contact Us Now >
The Only Real Solution to Your Fear
Here’s the thing, our system does not treat or cure your fear. The only person with the authority to change your awareness is you. Our job is to educate you as you journey through this course to overcome your fear.
You will learn how to cultivate positive feelings while learning to combat and eventually vanquish negative feelings that cause your fear. No one should have to go through the continuous suffering you are experiencing. You can decide that it’s time for the negative feelings to change.
Instigators and Risk Factors for Fear of Flute
The root cause of Fear Of Flute is often (but not always) traumatic incident in the past. The mind will, in some situations, generate the fear without an apparent cause. You resolve this issue by discovering the source and trading the negative correlations with positive ones. Those at greatest risk include:
• Individuals who are predisposed to feelings of worry and anxiety
• Someone considered to be ‘easily upset’
• People suffering from adrenal insufficiency
Do you feel as if even one of these represents you? To find out what others are saying about our ability to help, click here.
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The Warning Signs You Should be Looking For
You can take our 2 minute Fear of Flute Online Test to establish the enormity of the problem for you, but it’s really quite straightforward: The time to act is now, if this phobia is causing negativity in your life.
- Does the thought of Flutes make you nauseous?
- Do you instantly get dry mouth and moist palms?
- Does your heart rate instantly sky-rocket?
- Do you feel as though you are unable to stand?
Those were only a handful of examples of the feelings you might suffer. Click here to learn more about the symptoms of fear of flute.
We not only help you deal with the symptom you experience, but we find the cause. This is what CTRN is all about
Medications & Prescribed Drugs
We feel drugs and medication for Fear of Flute aren’t the best approach, but make sure you always follow a doctor’s advice when taking or stopping any prescription. Meds may seem to help in the short-term by temporarily improving your symptoms, but the problem is that they can never cure the core issue of the fearful patterns of thinking that are the automatic reaction to flutes and which trigger the intense feelings of fear.
No drug has ever been developed specifically for Fear Of Flute, by the way – so it’s hard to justify popping a pill as a healthy solution with all the uncertainty that surrounds potential side effects.
The good news is with our program, your Fear Of Flute will be history, without resorting to meds..
Next Action
- Learn about The VIP One on One Program:
The VIP Program for Fear of Flute- Discover The Home Study Program:
Vanquish Fear & Anxiety for Fear of Flute
Or learn more about Fear of Flute: